Complete 19 pages APA formatted article: Inflation in Saudi Arabia. The economy of the country of Saudi Arabia is oil based with active government intervention in major economic activities. The country ranks on the top in exports of petroleum products and plays an active role in OPEC. The petroleum sector of the economy accounts for 45% of the total revenues. Currently the government is engaged in encouraging the growth of the private sector within the economy as they believe such strategies will reduce the dependence on oil. The growth the private sector will also create employment opportunities. It has permitted investments in the telecommunication and the power sectors. In an effort to diversify the economy, the country acceded to the WTO in 2005. Focus was given to form a regulated market and the Saudi Arabia Monetary Agency (SAMA) emerged in 1984 after the government passed an instruction. The Capital market authority took over the responsibilities of the agency after its formation in 2003. November 26 marked the day when the first corporate governance code was implemented. The sections provide provisions like preliminary level, board of directors, lucidity and disclosure, shareholders authority and the provisions for the general assembly and the closing provisions. Some of the experts opine to measure corporate governance using the Gompers and Metric.