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Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on cuban missile. ?Cuban MissileThe famous Cuban missile crisis is widely known as the October crisis which occurred in Cuba. This crisis was a thirteen days confrontation that occurred between Cuba and the Soviet Union on one side and on the other handle was the United States of America. This was back in October 1962. This confrontation was one of the major cold wars in the history that came very close to what many would refer to as a nuclear conflict. The conflict came out after the failed attempt by the US regime to overthrow Cuban government. In view of this attempt, Nikita Khrushchev made a proposition to place Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba in order to avert any future invasion attempt. John F. Kennedy was the US president during this time of crisis. He therefore had to make swift moves to avoid going into war with the Soviet Union. As Robert Kennedy and Arthur Jr. Schlesinger portray in their book In Thirteen Days, they applaud John F. Kennedy for the way in which he handled the crisis.Kennedy’s team of Executive Committee of the National Security Council (ExComm) congregated and deliberated on different ways to deal with the crisis. As Robert puts it, they considered several options. The first one was invading Cuba, option two was ordering air strikes with the intention of taking out the missile areas, the other option was imposing a blockade around Cuba. This was aimed at keeping out the undelivered missiles. The fourth option they considered was presenting a private ultimatum to Nikita Khrushchev and in the event that the missiles were not removed, then a military action was to be taken. The fifth and the last option was to present some offer of trade for the missiles in Cuba and those in Turkey.The fifth option was fronted and therefore at the heart of the crisis Kennedy’s administration agreed to withdraw or remove the US missile s from the republic of Turkey and in exchange the Soviet Union was to also remove their nuclear forces from Cuba. The US central concession handled the matter in secret unlike the Soviet who came out in public. The US thought that the idea of withdrawing from the republic of Turkey would have seen the administration that was in place as weak. Nonetheless this was only a bait or a “sweetener” which lead to a smoother ending of the withdrawal of missiles from Cuba.The historians also postulate that Kennedy was very smart in handling this issue as he engaged himself in two differe4nt sets of negotiations. One of the negotiations was with Moscow while the other was with his inner circle or the most revered as the ad has a high ranking team of advisers. This high ranking team was the Executive Committee of the National Security Council (ExComm). Kennedy too made sure that only a few of his most trusted advisers were in connection with the missile proceedings. The US president Kennedy was focused and he even authorized Dean Rusk his Secretary of State to announce the idea of missile swap during the United Nations meeting. This announcement was begging on the condition if the Soviets would reject a secret agreement.Kennedy’s administration employed diplomacy and deal making in handling the crisis matter other than using the military or employing force. The deals were made on state to state agreement. They did involve less and less intermediaries. To end the crisis too involved loosening of stands on both ends. Kennedy’s administration also resolved not to use threats before or during the negotiation process. The crisis was amicably resolved without bloodshed or destruction of property in all the involved states.


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