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Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

I have attach 3 files. One of the file titled Essay 4 is the question for the Essay. The other two files attached is the readings for the Essay. Let me know if you have any questions, below is my professor question (requirement) for the Essay. Please, I want the best response on this Essay, can’t afford anything less than a 90 on this essay. Also use quotes and transitions in the essay just like we did in the last essay I sent you.The directions for completing essay 4 are below.  Before you write, you should review the instructions carefully and also study all the required reading in this unit.  Be sure to choose a subtopic that you are comfortable with; if you have questions, please ask me before you start.  As always, use quotes, write transitions, and follow the general instructions for how to write a 5 paragraph essay.  Also, be mindful of comments and corrections that I have made on your essays so far, as these may apply here also.  In grading this essay, I will be looking specifically at how well you have mastered and applied what you learned in this course.It has to be an Essay and up to or more than 5 paragraphs.Attachment 1Attachment 2Attachment 3


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