THIS ONE’S FOR PSYC 2260- INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGYDue on 29th NovSPSS Assignment General Instructions For this assignment you will be required to show how creative you are by developing and analyzing your own fictitious data sets. Please read each question carefully and label and submit all the appropriate SPSS materials required. Please realize that if you fail to provide all the necessary SPSS information and/or explain it will be extremely difficult for us to evaluate your answer. Here are a few things that well be looking for when we evaluate your answers:1.An original research idea. In other words, please provide us with the following: a. A brief introduction and your research question. By brief we mean not more than 2 3 sentences! b. State your Null (Ho) and Research (Ha) hypotheses (we need this to determine p-values in some cases).c. State and label the names of your independent and dependent variables. 2.Data. Youll need to create reasonable fictitious data for your research and enter it into SPSS. By reasonable we mean data that might actually approximate the variability one would expect to see in your variables if you were conducting an actual study. 3.SPSS outputs. Be sure to submit, in either Word or a PDF, only the relevant SPSS outputs (Note: Do Not Submit the SPSS notes) to the Learn Dropbox. By relevant we mean those outputs that summarize the statistical evidence of your research for each question. NOTE: only submit 1 document to the dropbox. So youll have to organize your answer into its various parts. If you are having trouble formatting SPSS outputs, try Exporting from SPSS. 4.SPSS explanations. In your own words, please explain what the crucial components of the SPSS output actually means. Some things that come immediately to mind include: a. Explanation of Graphs (e.g., interaction) and Tables (e.g. Chi-square) when appropriate b. Explanation of checks for violations of statistical assumptions (e.g., Levenes). c. State and describe the meaning of the most important statistics (e.g., group means, df, t statistics, F statistics, p-values). 5.Draw accurate conclusions based on your SPSS output in terms of your study variables. In other words, do you reject the null hypothesis or is your study inconclusive? And, what does that actually mean in terms of the variables contained in your study?