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Create a 3 page essay paper that discusses The Buddha of Suburbia by Hanif Kureishi.Finding oneself is subject to moving away from one’s home place. Karim is aware of the definite and the predictable life in the Suburbs. He builds images of London in his mind and thinks of such a place as full of life and devoid of dull characters. For instance, he pictures that, in London, there are colorfully dressed kids and parties whereby teenagers participate in random sex. The city has flourishing art and colorful parties, which will help Karim find a sense of identity and live a fulfilling life. This is similar to Maurice’s life as he moves way to school. In the university, he attains the liberty to unearth his sexual identity and experience the joy of being himself. The England in the Buddha of Suburbia and the England of Maurice are two different places. Writing from two different contexts means that different political and socio-economic events have shaped these two places differently. In Maurice, the characters are living in a highly conventional society whereby there is only a single way of gaining acceptance. The gentlemen of the day are held in high regard because they seem to possess a sense of sophistication in their lives. They possess a distinct language, a different education, and manners that define a social ultimacy. On the contrary, the Buddha of Suburbia describes a London that is accepting non-conformity in its cultural landscape. In spite of his family’s relative low-income, Karim realizes that he can climb through the classes that define the London’s landscape.


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