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Chemistry homework help

Plagiarism is when we are using another person’s thoughts, idea, work, and effort without acknowledging it. When we do not use the name of the author or use the resource and material but don’t cite the source or author. We are then using someone else work as our own and this is being dishonest and cheat. This discredits us not only personally but professionally also we lose trust.  When we properly cite the name of the author, quotation and a source of the reference then it helps us to prove that our research is substantial and is based on some evidence. This gives credibility to our work and proves our viewpoint. In the nursing profession keeping the integrity, reliability, confidentiality, and trust is the key. In order to maintain the academic integrity, we should use the resource properly by providing the name of the author, publication, book or article and also mentioning it in our references. Also should not copy someone work. I will try to ensure that I use the resources properly and ask for help if I need to.


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