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Write a 6 pages paper on the protection of business information system. On the other hand, the integration of information systems with the information systems causes a need for expertise in order to deal with challenges faced during business operations.The conceptualization of the business information systems establishes three divisions, which include Transactional Processing Systems (TPS), Management Information Systems (MIS), and Expert systems. MIS is divided into other subdivisions, which include Decision Support System (DSS) that refers to a business application that analyzes and presents data in order to assist in the business decision-making process. Therefore, through DSS the business utilizes the integration of business with information systems. In this case, the business uses information systems to make informed decisions rationally in a timely manner.Businesses employ different categories of Information System to present data that are gathered from transactions, and for making decisions on certain areas of the business. For example, the business uses the information systems to record the sales transaction on the account, which is used to determine the customers that are creditworthy. Therefore, the Information system is applicable to numerous levels of business organization. On the other hand, DSS is used by the management in making strategic decisions in departments that deal with sales and marketing, supply, and procurement. In addition, business applies IS in making tactical decisions, especially by the supervisors who are involved in daily operational decisions.In this case, the most significant reason for integrating the business with an information system is to provide relevant information to be applied in decision-making, which is needed for achieving a competitive advantage. Information System is applied as a tool in order to institutionalize decision, and this facilitates intelligent decision-making.&nbsp.Therefore, Information systems in the business create a platform of good decision-making since there would be many difficulties in gathering information relevant for making necessary decisions.


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