Write a 8 pages paper on impact of the european union on france. From this discussion it is clear that .the European Union (EU) is a political and economic federation comprising 27 member countries, and all of them design same policies for different areas. In 1993 the EU was formed with the signing of the Maastricht Treaty, but later there was a great contribution from multiple European organizations, which led to the development of European Union. This represents an effort to bring forth unity in Europe encompassing various attempts of establishing unity through armed forces. France was one of the member nations involved in European Union. There were several criteria associated with joining the Union which were evaluated by the European Council country-wise. .This paper outlines that the major benefit of EU was that it focused on a stable democracy where one nation would not be unduly harmed by other nations. One European currency and economic integration proved to be primary goals of European Union. The research question for this particular study is what is the impact of Euro and EU on France in economical, social, political and cultural context. This study will help to evaluate the positive and negative impacts created on France by European Union. .In the economic context the impact of EU and Euro on France would be analysed on the basis of GDP components, productivity, public finances, external trade and labour market. EU possessed GDP of 11,600 billion Euros and a total population of 500 million in 2006.