Write 1 page thesis on the topic manipulative and body-based methods: yoga. Manipulative and Body-Based Methods: Yoga The U.S. constitutional man to regulate health, safety, and welfare empowers the s to have the authority to regulate CAM. The Federal Government is not responsible to regulate CAM in the country. Generally, regulations involve licensure and licensure involves completing training, passing exams and certain other requirements related with continuing education. Now the regulations vary from state to state which means that a particular CAM therapy may be regulated in some states but not in others or the states may have different requirements for its practitioners. Some states have even exempted certain CAM practitioners from the requirement of license.Physicians are authorized by state law to diagnose and treat diseases. therefore, they can provide certain CAM therapies such as herbal medicine, nutritional counseling or hypnotherapy. The regulations across states are so widely disconnected that some states include acupuncture which is a CAM therapy technique, in osteopathic medicine licensure. Most of the dietary supplements are used for CAM therapies and surveys have shown that there is a lack regulation over these supplements. A statement from the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) sates The current regulatory framework governing dietary supplements does not provide consumers or health care providers with sufficient information on safety and efficacy to make informed decisions (Ventola, 1).There are certain policy changes recommended to regulate CAM field more effectively. First of all, a single institution should regulate CAM in all the states so that there are no discrepancies in the regulations. In the current system FDA does not have the absolute power to interfere in the regulation of Dietary supplements. So it is recommended that only those dietary supplements are available in the market that are FDA approved. Other policy changes should be made to make sure that NCCAM only funds only those studies that follow standard methodology for studying the effectiveness and safety of conventional medicine.There will be several challenges in adapting to the recommended regulatory policies such as empowering one body to regulate CAM in all the states. Secondly FDA would require several changes to be made in the manufacturing of dietary supplements. All of these recommendations will make the public more aware of the information available on CAM therapies and its products and this will eventually help them in making informed decisions. Works CitedCohen, M. (13, January 2012). Credentialing cam providers: Understanding cam education, training, regulation, and licensing. Retrieved from http://nccam.nih.gov/health/decisions/credentialing.htmFan, K. W. (07, April 2005). The complementary and alternative medicine information source book. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1142196/Ventola, C. L. (1, September 2010). Current issues regarding complementary and alternative medicine (cam) in the united states. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.