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Education homework help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Effect on Childrens Development. It needs to be at least 1500 words. She started to shutter in her speech and gradually has withdrawn.According to Erikson, humans go through eight stages of development in life from birth to death and that each stage has a crisis which must be resolved. If a crisis failed to be resolved at an earlier stage, it might cause conflicts. (Harder, 2002).The main emphasis of this stage is on the mother’s positive and loving care for the baby. If this is achieved successfully, the child will learn to trust that life is basically good. Whereas, if the failure occurs at this stage, the child will mistrust the world. (Harder, 2002).Referring back to Zoe’s case, since Zoe is only 4 years old and used to have a normal personality. This indicates that this stage must have been fulfilled by the mother who successfully provided love and care too little Zoe.This stage occurs during early childhood, probably between 18 months to 3 years. At this stage, children work to master the physical environment while they are maintaining self-esteem. Autonomy is achieved utilizing being stormy self-will, stubborn and negative. (Harder, 2002).At this stage, children use the powerful word “No”, although it might be painful to parents, it develops important skills of will. Children during this stage can be very vulnerable, and if they are ashamed in toilet training or learning other important skills, they may feel great shame, and they start doubting their capacities which results in low self-esteem. ( Harder, 2002).Children at this age learn to imagine and extend their skills through playing and fantasizing. Besides, they may learn to help and cooperate with others. Moreover, they can lead and follow others. On the other hand, if the feeling of guilt immobilizes children. They can be fearful and continue depending on adults and are restricted in play and imagination.In the case of Zoe, a&nbsp.conflict arose from the family, which led to her change of personality and behaviour.


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