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Search of containers and Consent search Adam is walking in a train station, with a briefcase in his hand. The police have probable cause to believe there are drugs in the briefcase. Can the police stop Adam to search the briefcase without a warrant?The police have probable cause to believe there are drugs in Adam’s briefcase. Adam walks out of the train station and gets into his car. He puts the briefcase inside the car and drives away. Two blocks away, the police stop the car and search the briefcase without a warrant. Is the search legal?The police have probable cause to believe there are drugs in Adam’s briefcase. Adam walks out of the train station and gets into his car with the briefcase. Two blocks away, the police stop the car. The police search the briefcase and find drugs in it. The police then open the glove compartment and find a stolen i-Phone. Is the search of briefcase justified? Is the search of the glove compartment justified?The police have probable cause to believe there are drugs in Adam’s briefcase. Adam walks out of the train station. He would not get into any car and plans to walk home. The police do not want to see Adam go back home with the briefcase and drugs. What action can the police legally take to seize and search Adam’s briefcase without obtaining a warrant?


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