You are required to write a class to represent a county. Every County has a name (name), an area (area) and a number of All-Ireland football wins (footballWins) (as shown in the table). Your class must use the variable names given and appropriate data types to store these values. You are required to write a default and a general constructor, along with getter and setter methods and a toString() method for the class.You are required to write a file which will use this data to declare an array of 5 County objects within the main method. The data for your 5 County objects will be given using user input. You will also use this main method to call other methods you write.Below you are given data for 5 counties. (See attached)You should then write a static Java method which takes an array of the County objects as a parameter and returns nothing. The Java method should sort the County objects array based on the number of All-Ireland wins using the Bubble sort algorithm. The array should be sorted from smallest to largest. The method signature should look like this:public static void bubbleSortCounty(County data[]) You will then write a static Java method, in, which takes in the sorted array as a parameter and returns nothing. The Java method should use the toString() method in to print out the sorted array. See sample output below. The method signature should look like this:public static void printCountyArray (County data[])Attachment 1Attachment 2