Complete 1 page APA formatted article: History the World. These practices ranged from dialect to the mode of dressing where the men used to wear kikoi whereas women cotton less or bulbuls, which covered their bodies even their heads (Laska 63). Primarily, this characterized the mode of dressing commonly preferred by Arabs and Indian women, which is evident at the coast at the present (Luis). Besides, the mingling of Arabs, Persians, Indians and later Portuguese, this led to the emergence of a unique language (Kiswahili), which is particularly rampant in Eastern Africa. Since it was the sole language used by the then traders and facilitated a better understanding in their midst (Laska 63). Indian Ocean Exchange also led to the rise of diverse societal classes where the richest merchants ranked at the top (Luis). These merchants controlled the trade whereas the slaves assumed the lowest rank in the society. The settlement of Arabs at the African coast influenced coastal dwellers to adopt Islamic religion was to the present Islamic has dominated the region. Swahili culture has also given birth to an additional ethnic group besides those inhabited the East African coastal region. mainly associated with Arabian origin commonly known Waswahili (Laska 63).