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Engineering homework help

Compose a 1500 words assignment on personality & individual differences. Needs to be plagiarism free! However, those scholars that have analyzed the situation have conclusively bound that ageism is a powerful and determinate factor that separates and discriminates against those that are considered as “too old” or “out of touch” with the modern world. As a function of seeking to understand this dynamic to a more clear and relevant degree, the following analysis will engage with relevant resources that have analyzed measure the issue of ageism within current society and will attempt to indicate whether or not this particular issue is of growing or decreasing importance in the modern era (Spedale et al. 1591).Firstly, it must be understood that ageism within the workforce is perhaps indicative of ageism at its worst. For decades, companies have sought to marginalize and “let go” of employees that are beyond a certain age. There are several relevant factors as to why this takes place. The first and most important of which has to do with the fact that individuals of a more advanced age are likely to command a higher salary and will place pressure upon the overall bottom line that a company is able to exhibit. For instance, an individual towards the end of their career is likely to make at least twice the overall amount that an individual just beginning their career might be able to earn.


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