Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on program for clients who have an acl tear. The buildup of glucose in blood results in malfunctioning of the body cells. Excess sugar in the blood may also result in damage to the nerves and blood vessels, especially the small vessels supplying the eyes, kidneys, and heart. Damage to these vital connective tissues causes hardening of the arteries and atherosclerosis. Sometimes such patients end up developing a life threatening complication called diabetic coma.Diabetic coma results when the patients become dehydrated and very ill. A rise in sugar level in the blood can result to frequent urination that causes dehydration. Symptoms of type 2 diabetes usually present as excess thirst, constant hunger, and frequent micturation. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is managed through exercise and dietary changes. Metformin is administered in cases where the blood sugar level is not adequately controlled.Type 2 diabetic patients should have a stress-free life. They are to take breaks at their place of work and try doing exercises such as yoga, pranayama, breathing exercise, and other music therapies. Such exercises are essential in the management of stress. Exercise the best decision for a diabetic person. Varieties of benefits achieved from exercising include. control of the sugar level, burning of cholesterol, improving muscle strength, and decreasing the blood pressure. It also boosts energy and control stress. Exercises such as walking make the muscles and heart stronger. Walking or jogging three to seven days a week for 100 minutes or 3 days a week for 80 minutes is recommended. Weight lifting in a gymnasium, three days a week is also effective (Tuomi, p. 20)The patients need to take well-balanced meals and avoid jaggery and sugary meals. The patient should be allowed to carry sweets when out training. Sweets are consumed in situations where the blood sugar level moves below normal. They are not to miss exercise programs.