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Health Sciences homework help

Need help with my writing homework on Smoking Among the Youth in Saudi Arabia. Write a 1750 word paper answering; From the most prominent causes of smoking, it was revealed in the paper written by Mandil, BinSaeed, et al. that peer pressure or the apparent need to be perceived as doing what friends are doing, and the strong impact of family members seen to be smoking are most influential. Likewise, other causes of smoking include the lack of governmental restrictions that preclude the youths from easily purchasing cigarettes regardless of age and the apparently low prices of cigarettes (Siddiqui, Ogbeide, and Khalifa). In the article written by Bassiony, the author disclosed the motivating factors and reasons for smoking, as follows: “desire (32%), idleness (28%), imitation (22%), and enjoyment (20%) are among the motives to smoke. If the problem goes unresolved, more youths and adults would be addicted to smoking due to its nicotine content and would find it challenging to get out of the habit. There are other repercussions that include increased risks to contract health hazards such as high blood pressure, higher tendencies for heart attacks, contracting cancer of various organs in the body, especially the lungs, throat, voice box, pancreas, and kidneys. Likewise, health hazards for females were reported to include fertility problems and cancer of the cervix. More importantly, cigarette smoking, if left unabated, is forecasted to result, within the next 20 to 30 years, to “10 million deaths annually on a worldwide basis, of which 70% will occur in developing countries” (Siddiqui, Ogbeide and Khalifa 367).


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