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History homework help

Write a 2 page essay on Civil Rights and Black Power Movements.From this essay it is clear that as the movement was aimed at using peaceful means to achieve its goals, it started its activities by influencing churches to preach equality though this faced a lot of opposition from the police as churches were expected to put emphasis on spiritual matters. The movement also believed that for the blacks to acquire equal rights with their white counterparts they had to be aware of their civil rights. This caused them to start state citizenship schools in 1954 that majored in teaching adults to enable them to pass literacy tests though they secretly offered democracy and civil rights classes against the law.As the discussion highlights unlike the SCLC, which believed in peace, the Black Panther Party founded in 1966 by Boy Scale (served as chairman) and Huey Newton believed in the use of military power by the minority against the government to earn freedom against segregation. Though both movements had an aim of gaining freedom against Negro segregation, BPM appeared to be more radical in their quest for freedom. Most of the protests involving BPM always turned out violent as the members believed in violence as a means of acquiring freedom. Important to note, however, unlike the SCLC, which was led by older church ministers and political activists like Martin Luther, most of the BPP leaders were in their early twenties and others even below twenty years, for example, Bobby Hutton, who was only seventeen years old.


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