I need some assistance with these assignment. for-profit healthcare organization Thank you in advance for the help! It is good congress is now acknowledging this relation, the disclosure law thus, is an important step that congress is taking so that we track how much these physician are receiving from the companies, which supports for-profit medicine. Studies indicate that pharmaceutical spent up to 25.3 billions in form of selling prescription drugs in the year 2003, out of this a lot of many went to physicians as free samples, air fares, and meals (Frenk 1993). We fear that physicians may be guided by these gifts and monies they receive to prescribe certain drugs to their customers or patients. Probably consumers will like to be aware of what their physicians receive, if they get little money, none at all, or lots of money. The law should offer a system where by a patient can go to access information from a central online database, that will display all the monies his/her physician has received from different companies. If the consumers know, they will feel a cleansing outcome.Disclosure laws will enable patients to track their physicians’ monetary ties with drug companies. Customers or patients say that, they should be strong, and identical national legislations that call for very state to enact this disclosure law. As it is now today no law gives the public easy accessibility to information about the payments that physician receives from these companies. In researcher carried out Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) it found out that public disclosure laws in Minnesota did not give the public enough access to payments paid to the doctors (Frenk1993). This is applying in all other states. We as the customer watch dog body take a stand that disclosure bill should be passed by congress in order to create transparency that is required in medical profession. Customers have a right to know how much their physicians are receiving from the profit making organizations and make their own judgments.President of Human Corporation-for profit hospitalAs a president of a profit making hospital, I feel that the proposed bill of physician disclosure, requiring the physician to disclose the source and amount they have received is unprofessional and ill timed. As a profit making organization, our main aim is making profit, but, at the same time we value human health and provide good and effective medicine that goes along way in providing treatment and cure to many people. It is important for the public to realize that whatever the doctors receive from these companies is something small in form of appreciation everybody needs to be appreciated and motivated. Many citizens expect the congress to come up with laws to curb medical malpractices, yet, not all laws can solve our medical issues. The stakeholders should not wait for congress to enact laws to reduce the rising medicine for profit. Coming up with this law will only provide regulations for physicians but, do not provide offer lasting solutions.The bill of disclosure is ill timed and does not enhance the market laws of free competition in our economy, as we acknowledge, that for some instances physician may receive a lot of money from for profit medicines, it is important to note that this do not influence their professional work ethics. Laws should be passed to protect all citizens but, not to target a certain group of people.