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Provide a 8 pages analysis while answering the following question: Great Britain between the World Wars. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Therefore, shortly after the First World War, Great Britain invaded the Middle East region with the aim of taking control of the land. However, the Ottoman led regions posed a great challenge for the country and the natives were greatly resistive of any foreign control. Great Britain engaged it’s military and aircraft power to seize the region and resist any opposition. Creating inter-agencies and working jointly with other groups helped the country to overcome resistance. In spite of this, the effectiveness of Great Britain to pursue its goals in the Middle East still remains in question. Apparently, the Great Britain mission in the Middle East was effective despite the high level of opposition that the country experienced while pushing their national goals within these territories. The interwar period was a time of political insurgency as superpower nations sought to launch their expansionism strategy. Many developed countries including Great Britain initiated expansionism as they felt that it was a time for the countries to accelerate its economic development and compete with other superpower countries. Great Britain was among countries that felt that capturing ungoverned territories would the best approach to accelerate their growth. At the end of the First World War, Great Britain targeted the Middle East countries includes South Asia and Iraq, some of the countries that were still struggling with political instabilities (Fromkin 383-415). Another drive for expansionism was the adverse effects of the World War, a time when countries were recovering from economic frustrations that came after heavy investment in the war. Britain aimed at taking over the leadership in the Middle East not only to take advantage of the natural resources but also to neutralize the threat that was expected from this region. To achieve this, the country used a wide range of approaches including collaboration with the people, the formation of inter-agencies and the use of military power. Long before the First World War Period, a large part of the Middle East comprised of the Ottoman which had started many centuries ago.&nbsp.


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