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Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses mba of purpose for admission needs to be polished. Wharton MBA Affiliation: Wharton provides the best entrepreneurial education and research programs which are in line with my future profession and dreams. I have had different working experiences but none has come even close to providing the theoretical material I require to start my own business and run it successfully. I aim to utilize the resources and delve on the inspiration in Wharton to not only my advantage but that of the whole world. I would love to have a technology business that is run by an empathetic entrepreneur who understands their problems.I have an experience of nine years working in technology as well as energy industry. In these numerous employments, I have had the opportunity to become a software developer, a consultant as well as offer other technical support to the teams. I have travelled widely in my different jobs from Europe to Asia and even Australia which has provided the exposure with the technology and software development. I have consulted with companies at their start up stages and have seen them blossom and hence I believe that my business will succeed once I get the skills and knowledge. Other than the technological jobs, I have also been involved in humanitarian jobs mostly on a voluntary basis. I have worked as a bereavement counsellor for children and adults who have lost their spouses, served soup in the soup kitchen for the homeless which was a church-based program, taught yoga and worked in spas and even handled women dealing with intimacy issues offering them empathy and compassion. The travelling to different states and nations as well as dealing with many different cultures has taught me the importance of cultural sensitivity, different languages as well as taking huge risks as long as I believe in the course and have evidence to support no matter how limited. I have worked in different teams and even become a team leader making huge decisions and leading the rest towards innovative projects. I have realized there is lack of a strong mobile phone software market that addresses the needs of the majority of the population in the areas that matter the most which are finance, health and education. Technology is developing and evolving at a high rate and if there is more intense integration of the technology to the sectors mentioned above using the mobile phone device and specialized software, then a lot of difference can be made as well as money. I aim to capitalize on this market but I will require more theoretical knowledge as I am versed with experience. All these activities and hobbies I have engaged in have only acted to shape my focus in life. I have never really been satisfied in all these jobs as all the time I have wanted to put the effort into my own business. I am now determined to settle down and move towards achieving my one main goal and fulfilling my one passion in life and that is to become an entrepreneur. Wharton will provide me with the skills, knowledge and confidence to do exactly that and the experiences from my past will help me persevere and provide connection to my mobile phone business.


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