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Philosophy homework help

Unit III Case Study InstructionsChoose one of the following companies:Amazon,Apple,McDonald’s,Tesla,Facebook,Walmart, orTarget.Research your chosen company, and then briefly summarize the history of the company from start-up until the present time. Be sure to include some information about how much it has grown and why this growth has occurred. Then, develop and elaborate your own theories as to how boundaries and framing may have affected some of the decisions that led the company to where it is today. Be sure to include the following elements in your case study:how bounded awareness can improve the decision-making process,at least one example of boundaries exhibited by the company, andat least one example of framing concerning the company.Your case study should be a minimum of two pages in length, and it should be formatted according to APA guidelines. Please include the following three headers in your case study: Introduction and History of the Company, Example of Boundaries, and Example of Framing. You must include at least two academic references to support your work (the textbook may be one of those references). Any information from these resources must be cited and referenced in APA format.


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