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Physics homework help

Complete 5 page APA formatted essay: Critical appraisal of a public health research article.4). The lifestyle changes involve physical activity, balanced diets and loss of weight or the commonly called obesity. The research concluded that with 12 months follow ups the proposed lifestyle changes had significant positive effects towards control and prevention of type 2 diabetes.The research used the intervention design that was appropriate and served the purpose of addressing the aims of the research (Linda, et al, 2013, p.10). The research brought together a group of people that were assessed individually on the risk of type 2 diabetes. The New Leadership New York that is a competent group in the UK did the assessment. The selected population was required to be assessment weekly while those at high risks were assessment twice every week. The diet, weight and waist size of the population was recorded on each assessment. The NLNY involved the selected population with a half an hour practice session that was followed by a group reflection of the same period. The practice session involved a gym activities and cookery sessions and was very relevant since the research aimed at the two activities in relation to type 2 diabetes (Mokdad and Bowman, 2001, p.1196). The design was viewed as a ‘do and reflect’ model since the trainers demonstrated the activities and gave chance to the selected population to rehearse the activities (National Diabetes Data Group, 2013, p.1041). The design was flexible since it gave chance to the selected population to choose the physical activities of their choiceThe selected population went through a lot of education and on completion of the training, they were also allowed to access gyms for free. After the training, follow up plans by the NLNY were made through texts and emails to remind the trained individuals on the maintenance of lifestyle changes . Interviews were conducted after six months to evaluate on the level of success in terms of fighting diabetes to the trained


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