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You will prepare and submit a term paper on Leadership: Theory and Practice. Your paper should be a minimum of 2000 words in length. My experience and popularity in the game are much lesser compared to the previous coach. Moreover, new leaders are not easily welcomed in the team because the members feel insecure about their previous contributions, skills, and accomplishments. Apprehensiveness increased among the team members after they learned about the big event, i.e., the National Basket Ball Championship. The reason for this apprehensiveness was not limited to the departure of their favorite coach and arrival of a new coach but doubled by the fact that 4 new players would be a part of this big event. All these facts lowered the team’s confidence in sustaining their number one position. This was evident in a couple of matches that the team played within the State just after me taking over as their coach. Individual performance was not up to the mark and the team lost one of the matches in a humiliating manner. This defeat has, undoubtedly, dwindled the team’s confidence further and has become major cause for concern for the club owners. From a coach’s perspective, equally severe challenges surfaced since my joining. Challenges began with resistance from the team to accept me as their new coach. This resistance was evident through their behavior. The team did not seem enthusiastic about the National Championship. Eventually, the frequency of absenteeism in the practicing sessions increased. Cooperation among the team members was lacking. Some players seemed overconfident as evident from their behavior and approach. There were four new players in the team who had played one game before I joined. These members looked confused and were extremely low in confidence. The experienced players seemed disinterested in the big event planned ahead. Initially, the team seemed self-sufficient in terms of skill and training. However, commitment seemed to decrease. At times, I also sensed the lack of team bonding because of conflicts that started erupting between experienced players post their last defeat.&nbsp.


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