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Assignment Develop and complete a vulnerability assessment tool to be used to conduct a survey of a home.The paper is expected to include:1) Cover page with student’s name, course title and number, and date submitted.2) Body of paper:A.  Introduction that provides the purpose of the paper;B.  Discussion of the site selection and the rationale for the site selected;C.  Components of the vulnerability assessment; andD.  Suggestions and recommendations of security counter-measures to mitigate and reduce the risk of identified vulnerabilities to an acceptable level.3) Reference list.4) Appendix that provides a copy of the vulnerability assessment tool that you assembled and used for the project.All papers should be submitted to the assignment folder and adhere to APA guidelines. It should be seven computer-generated, double-spaced pages and use a 12-point font. Margins are to be 1 inch (top, bottom, right, and left). This does NOT include the vulnerability assessment tool that will be added as an appendix. I am including a checklist and an example to help ensure a good product is produced with all required information.Here is a CHECKLIST FOR THE PAPERContent1)   Facility described2)   Mission of facility or organization described3)   Perimeter of facility described4)   Surrounding geographical and neighborhood described5)   Assets identified6)   Critical assets prioritized with rationale provided as to how they relate to facility’s mission7)   Process to identify vulnerabilities to critical assets described8)   Vulnerabilities identified and their relation to critical assets9)  Relevant information from review of past security incidents described and how past security incidents were used to identify vulnerabilities10)  Potential loss and consequences of loss described11)  Security countermeasures to address vulnerabilities identified and described12)  Cost of security countermeasures and impact on organization’s budgetary restraints addressed13)  Vulnerability Assessment Tool included as an Appendix


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