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Psychology homework help

this is what my professor asked me to do:Grant Writing AssignmentYou will develop an idea for a grant and write it using the required OLD formattingfor an NIH R01 grant application. However, your grant is going to be a summarizedversion of a full 25 page grant. You will write the Specific Aims and Background andSignificance sections. If you actually have some preliminary data you may include asmall preliminary results section. You will write an outlined version of the methodssection outlining the major subheadings and then minor subheadings describing theexperimental methods that would be used. The only parts that you will fully write outin the methods section are the rationale and the expected outcomes and potentialproblems. This shortened version of the grant should be within 8 to 12 pages inlength without references. You will need to include a literature cited section. I amaware that the number of references will likely be less given that you will not bewriting out the methods section completely. Finally, your grant topic may be relatedto your own project in the I need something has to be new, and for the topic does not matter anything related to human health and disease. the proposal has to include :Specific Aims, Background and Significance, Preliminary Results, Methods.hope to hear soon from you cause I need this during this week, so if he cannot please let me know sooooooooon.regards.”


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