Q1. Here are some data on the rates of crime in several U.S. states for 3 years, 1996, 1997, 1998 (crimes known to the police per 100,000 population).City199619971998Massachusetts383736753436Minnesota511849174683Minnesota446344144047Mississippi452346304384Missouri508448154826Montana449444094071Nebraska443742844405Nevada599260655281New Hampshire282426402420New Jersey433340573654New Mexico660269076719New York413239113589North Carolina552654925322Calculate the median and mean for each year (5 pts)What happened to the average crime rates in this sample of states over the 3-year period? Do the mean and median give the same impression? (5 pts)Extra credit: Is there skew in the crime rates for either of the 3 years? If so, what kind? (3 pts)