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Sociology homework help

Using java turtle graphics, you will paint a majestic fractal sun. The fractal sun is composed of a circle of radius r, and 8 rays of length 2*r originating from the center of the circle and radially equally spaced. The external tip of each ray is also the origin of a recursively downsized fractal sun with radius equal to 1/4 of the radius of the sun at the previous level. Also, the suns originating at the tip of the rays will have different colors, i.e., the color of a sun is a method of the recursion level of the fractal sun itself. You can invent the coloring method you prefer, just make sure that your sun will look good no matter what the maximum level of recursion is going to be. Your fractal sun will be generated by a method fractalSun(Turtle t, double r, int level) which you will write. Your method will take as parameter a Turtle, the radius r of the sun’s circle, and an integer level representing the maximum depth of recursion of your fractal sun.


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