The following ARM assembly program fragment shows an interrupt service routine (ISR) to perform the data transfer for an interrupt driven input device.OS. ( 10 Mechanisms & Memory Hierarchy( 4 ) The following ARM assembly program fragment shows an interrupt serviceroutine ( ISR ) to perform the data transfer for an interrupt driven input device .LDR Ill , ( 18 , 1Data ) ; IData is an offsetSTR Ill , 19 , 10)ADD 19 , 19CMP 9 , ILO ;BUT Exitcode to signal the transfer as completeExitreturn to the callerCopy Table Sa into your answer hook and then fill in the meanings ofaddresses values being held by the corresponding registers 8 – I – 1 in theabove ISR during program execution The first row of the table is provided asan example only that can be skipped in the copied versionTable SaRegistersMeanings of Addresses ValuesI’dThe final result computed by the ISR181910LAI(8 marks )